Monday, November 17, 2008


Lets look at the wool for a second shall we? This is really an interesting metaphor. The wool represents the Greecian states, but thats fairly obvious. The part that I thought was the most interesting was the spin that Lysistrata puts on the states. She uses this idea of spinning to get her plan for ending the war across to the commissioner, but at the same time implies that women are the only ones who could possibly fix Greece. At least thats what I thought, because traditionally women are the ones who spin the wool into yarn and weave the clothes. If Greece is a piece of wool, how could a man possibly spin it into a cloth without the help of women?

1 comment:

KC said...

I agree. I think that the men in this play were very dependent on the women and what they provide for them. The women provide the men in this play with almost all of the man's necessities.