Monday, November 17, 2008

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, I think Lysistrata was the winner by a nose for my favorite reading so far, followed closely by Hedda Gabler, and with The House Of Bernarda Alba a distant third. I think what I liked the most about Lysistrata(the play) was the Lysistrata(the person) was able to effectively gain power without losing control of her own life. It was certainly a welcome change from the sombreness of the previous two plays.


Will said...

Well put. I never thought of how Lysystrata actually attained power without going crazy in comparison to the other female characters we've looked at in class. Lysistrata was definitely my favorite so far.

KC said...

I never thought about how Lysistrata was gaining power. Now that I think about it, I very much agree. Lysistrata gained power in such a way that she was able to work with others and not be self-destructive at the same time. I guess that would explain why I like her so much more than the women from the other plays.